Frequently Asked Questions

If something isn't covered here ask on the forums!


To easily view and reply to in-game chat without logging onto Minecraft, feel free to join us on Discord. Discord is a browser chat service with a desktop and mobile client that allows players to talk with each other as well as easily get support from Staff. Sign up today to start chatting with us!

Join by clicking here.

Colored names are for donors to our server. If you donate, message a staff member and request a custom name color (available colors Reds and greens are reserved for staff members. There are also chat tags for Staff.
[A] is for Admin
[M] is for Moderator


You can chunkload as much as you'd like, but please be smart about it and try not to build laggy setups in general. If your build becomes an issue a staff member might break parts of your build and inform you about it.

No, we don't ban any items. We believe in trust in our community and don't want to limit our players. If something is banned you can find it by searching for disabled in NEI/JEI, which is only done if an item/block is crashing the server when used.

You don't, we believe in trust. If you believe someone has stolen from you or destroyed parts of your base, contact a staff member and we will track down what happened and rollback the area if necessary.

Currently for all 1.10.2 servers: Due to some plugins not being ready yet. We are asking players to claim their chunks using the FTB Utilities' team, and chunk claiming functionality.

FTB Utilities Quick Guide

We don't build an official spawn, we want players to build their own spawn for their needs. You can also use it to put various modded trading blocks there or build a market.


You can learn more about donating to our community by going to this page. Thank you in advance! :)

A big thank you for supporting the server and showing us you value what we do. Also a bunch of small things, like a custom name color in chat and a fancy forum tag.


We publish all past maps for everyone to download on this page

CPU: Intel Xeon CPU E3-1245 V2 @ 3.687GHz
RAM: 32 GB
Bandwidth: 250 Mbps
Drives: 3 x 120 GB SSD in RAID
100 GB External Backup Drive
Location: OVH BHS (Montreal)

Not needed, if you build laggy stuff that spills items on the ground you will get warned and if it happens too often you will be banned.

We dont want easy teleporting, there's plenty of modded items/blocks to meet with other players or just meet at spawn.

Use one of the various modded replacements, like the IC2 Trad-O-Mat, Forestry Trading Station, vending mod, Railcraft Trade Station and lots of other ones.

We don't overfill the server so you should be always able to get online even around the evening hours, we also allow unlimited (as long there's no abuse) chunkloading so that isn't an issue either.


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